Page 6 - FSM Souvenir- Sealink
P. 6

From the Editor

        Hello Everyone

        The two concrete challenges the seafarers' profession faces today (and even more so in the
        future) are:

        1) A shortage in the supply of skilled seafarers worldwide and
        2) Predicting future skills needs due to digitalization

        With  this  at  the  backdrop,  The  Naval  Connection  organised  the  'Future  Skills
        Maritime', (FSM) 2020 a global Virtual Conference on Nov 27th & 28th
        Participants from more than 30 countries had registered for the FSM

        maritime  leaders  and  eminent  speakers  bonded  over  2  days  of
        thought leadership sessions.
        What you are going to read, and watch in the following pages are

        the recordings of all the sessions which happened at the FSM
        2020. We are using this technology of our Audio-Visual

        magazine 'Sea link' to bring you this compilation of all the
        thought provoking presentations and experiences shared by

        world renowned experts.
        This has been the largest maritime virtual conference in the year 2020

        where world bodies joined hands to make a collective effort to discuss the
        future of work in the maritime sector.
        We thank our sponsors and affiliates, speakers and all participating companies for their

        engagement and delivery to make the FSM 2020 a grand success. We ended the virtual event
        with the promise to return next year around the same time. So, if by chance you did miss
        participating or supporting the FSM 2020, then don't lose heart, we shall be back soon

        Please do send me your feedback at ‘'
        Enjoy this issue and stay safe.

        Capt. Shoukat Mukherjee

        Editor, Sea Link
        Founder and CEO,
        The Naval Connection

        Editor                                       Capt. Shoukat Mukherjee

        Head of IT                                      Capt. Vasantha Kumar

        Design & Layout                                        Mr. Sagar Gurav

        Marketing                                                         Arca

        Event Coordinator                                  Sudha Mani Sriram

        Social Media & Video Editing Assistant             Abhigyan Mukherjee
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