Page 10 - Sealink September 2020
P. 10

Then we had the puff of hookah in                           a racts  tourist  from  all  over  the
    the moonlit night at the banks of the                      world.

    big  pond  surrounded  by  the  palm                       Before  departure,  the  full  team
    trees and the gentle hushing breeze                        conducted spiritual rites that is the

    passing by with the sweet fragrance                        worship of Bonbibi (goddess of the

    of  the  flowers  blooming  at  night.                      jungle) and offered their prayers in
    That night we re red in the hut near                       the  temple  for  solace  and  safe

    the banks of the river.
                                                               adventure.  It  was  early  morning,

    At  dawn  the  beauty  of  nature                          and a er some puffed rice and tea
    embalmed our body and mind with                            we  set  out  for  this  unknown  and

    the bliss of eternity. A er breakfast                      exci ng  adventure.  The  day  was

    we set out for a stroll in the 'widow                      sunny,  weather  was  pleasant  and
    zone'  where  the  husbands  were                          the boat departed from Gosaba to

    killed by the man ea ng  gers with                         'Madhukhali'. A er two hours ride,
    one  of  the  local  guide.  We  were                      we  entered  the  deep  jungle  inside

    stunned to listen to the grievances of                     the rivulet which was dark and no

    the widows and our hearts melted                           sunlight  penetrated    through  the
    with  the  tears  of  passion  and                         trees, as  the jungle was dense and

    sympathy. We were helpless for we                          the  trees  kissed  each  other  from
    were not prepared for such stories,                        either  bank  forming  an  arch.  The

    but we jo ed down the points and                           boatmen lighted  the hurricane and

    decided to carry the demands of the                        the boat gently cruised through the
    innocent people to the Government.                         rivulet  and  into  the  unknown

    Meanwhile, we expressed our desire                         venture.  The  atmosphere  was

    to  explore  the  Sunderbans.  A er                        shivering  through  the  nerves  and
    convincing  the  leader  of  the  boat                     silence of the jungle with the cry of

    team,  we  decided  to  explore  the                       animals  and  birds  pulsated  our

    jungles. 'Sajnekhali' is just opposite                     blood rate. Suddenly we heard  the
    to Gosaba which is a bird sanctuary                        majes c roaring of the Royal Bengal

    and  a  tourist  resort.  At  that   me                    Tiger which was like thunder and the
    there were only two rooms, but now                         mind  jolted  with  this  sound.  The

    there are more than hundred guest                          boatmen  became  cau ous  and

    rooms  with  a ached  bath  and                            solaced us not to be scared. The boat
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